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- Cote d'Ivoire
- Cote d'Ivoire is also known as the Ivory Coast. It is a
- developing West African nation. Tourism facilities in the
- capital city of Abidjan include some luxury hotels. Other
- accommodations, especially outside the capital, may be
- limited in quality and availability. U.S. citizens are
- required to have passports. A visa is not required for a
- stay of up to 90 days. Medical facilities in Cote d'Ivoire
- are adequate in Abidjan but may be limited elsewhere. Not
- all medicines are available. Street crime of the ''grab and
- run'' variety, as well as pickpocketing in crowded areas,
- has increased. Automobile accidents are one of the greatest
- threats to the well-being of Americans in Cote d'Ivoire.
- Night driving is particularly hazardous due to poorly lit
- roads and vehicles. Airline travel in Cote d'Ivoire and
- many other parts of West Africa is routinely overbooked;
- schedules are limited, and airline assistance is of varying
- quality.
- Djibouti
- Djibouti is a developing African country. Facilities for
- tourism are limited. Visitors to Djibouti must have
- passports and obtain a visa before arrival. Evidence of
- yellow fever immunization must be presented. Medical
- facilities are limited. Medicine is often unavailable.
- Petty crime occurs in Djibouti City and elsewhere in the
- country.
- Equatorial Guinea
- Equatorial Guinea is a developing country in West Africa.
- Tourism facilities are minimal. A passport and a visa,
- obtained in advance, are required. Medical facilities are
- extremely limited. Many medicines are unavailable. Petty
- crime is common. The government of Equatorial Guinea has
- established stringent currency restrictions, applied both on
- arrival and departure from the country. Special permits may
- be needed for some types of photography. Permits are also
- required to visit certain areas of the country.
- Eritrea
- Eritrea is a poor but developing East African country.
- Formerly a province of Ethiopia, Eritrea became an
- independent country on May 24, 1993, following a 30-year
- long struggle for independence. Tourism facilities in
- Eritrea are very limited. A valid passport and a visa are
- required as well as evidence of yellow fever immunization.
- Airport visas are unavailable. Flights between Asmara and
- Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, are heavily booked and
- advance reservations are recommended by the airlines.
- Medical facilities in Eritrea are extremely limited.
- Travelers must bring their own supplies of prescription
- drugs and preventative medicines. Street crime such as
- theft and robbery is on the increase, particularly in the
- city of Asmara. While travel throughout Eritrea is
- relatively safe, visitors may wish to exercise normal safety
- precautions with regard to what valuables are carried and
- what environs are visited. The government of Eritrea
- continues to use the Ethiopian birr as a currency. Credit
- cards are not accepted in Eritrea. Foreigners must pay
- bills in U.S. dollars or U.S. dollar denomination travelers
- checks.
- Ethiopia
- Ethiopia is a developing East African country. Tourism
- facilities in Ethiopia are minimal. A passport and a visa
- are required, as well as evidence of yellow fever
- immunization. Travelers must enter Ethiopia by air, either
- at Addis Ababa or Dire Dawa. Individuals entering overland
- risk being detained by immigration authorities and/or fined.
- Airport visas may be obtained if 72 hours advance notice has
- been provided by the traveler's sponsoring organization to
- proper authorities within Ethiopia. There is a lively black
- market for hard currency in Ethiopia, despite a recent
- devaluation of the Ethiopian birr. Visitors must declare
- hard currency upon arrival and may be required to present
- this declaration when applying for an exit visa. Domestic
- and international air services generally operate on
- schedule, although flights between Addis Ababa and Asmara
- are heavily booked and may be canceled without prior
- warning. Land mines and other anti-personnel devices litter
- the Ethiopian countryside, particularly along major roads.
- Many persons, including foreigners, have been injured by
- these devices. If possible, travel on paved roads since
- they are generally safer than unpaved roads. Medical
- facilities in Ethiopia are extremely limited. Hospitals in
- Addis Ababa suffer from inadequate facilities, antiquated
- equipment and shortages of supplies, particularly
- medications, although physicians are generally well-trained.
- Pickpocketing is rampant, and there have been numerous
- reports of thieves snatching jewelry. Banditry occurs on
- roads outside major towns or cities, and may result in
- violent attacks; several persons have been killed. Certain
- buildings and public places may not be photographed.
- Gabon
- Gabon is a developing West African nation formerly a part of
- French West Africa. French is the official language.
- Facilities for tourism are limited, especially outside the
- capital city. A passport and a visa are required. Evidence
- of a yellow fever vaccination must be submitted. Medical
- facilities in Gabon are limited. Some medicines are not
- available. Petty crime, such as robbery and mugging, is
- common, especially in urban areas.
- Gambia
- The Gambia is a developing West African nation. Facilities
- for tourists, including one five star hotel, are adequate,
- but those outside the vicinity of the capital city, Banjul,
- may be limited in availability. A passport and visa are
- required. Evidence of yellow fever immunization must be
- submitted with one's visa application. Medical facilities
- are limited. Some medicines are unavailable. Street crime
- is common, including pickpocketing and mugging.
- Ghana
- Ghana is a developing country on the west coast of Africa.
- A passport and a visa are required. Evidence of
- immunization for yellow fever and cholera is also required.
- Medical facilities in Ghana are limited, particularly
- outside the capital city of Accra. Malaria is common, as
- are other tropical diseases. Petty crime, such as
- pickpocketing, is common. Robberies often occur in public
- places and at the beach. Currency transactions with private
- citizens is illegal. Visitors arriving in Ghana with
- electronic equipment, particularly video cameras and laptop
- computers, may be required to pay a refundable deposit of
- 17.5 per cent of the value of the item prior to entry into
- the country. In some areas, possession of a camera is
- considered to be suspicious. Individuals have been arrested
- for taking pictures near sensitive installations. The
- government of Ghana does not recognize dual nationality
- except for minors under 21 years of age. The wearing of any
- military apparel, such as camouflage jackets or pants, or
- any clothing or items which may appear military in nature is
- strictly prohibited.
- Guinea
- Guinea is a developing coastal West African country.
- Facilities for tourism are minimal. A passport and a visa
- are required. Evidence of yellow fever immunization is
- required, and the Guinean government recommends taking of
- malarial suppressants. Medical facilities are limited.
- Diseases such as malaria, including cerebral malaria,
- hepatitis and intestinal hepatitis disorders are endemic.
- Street crime is very common. Criminals particularly target
- visitors at the airport in Conakry. Pickpockets or persons
- posing as officials sometimes offer assistance and then
- steal bags, purses or wallets. Travelers may wish to be met
- at the airport by travel agents, business contacts, family
- members or friends to avoid this possibility. Permission
- from the Guinean government's security personnel is required
- for photographing government buildings, airports, bridges or
- official looking buildings. Credit cards are rarely
- accepted in Guinea. Inter-bank fund transfers are
- frequently difficult, if not impossible, to accomplish. The
- communication system is poor. The limited telephone and fax
- lines are usually available only between 6:00 pm and 6:00 am
- local time.
- Guinea-Bissau
- Guinea-Bassau is a developing nation on the west coast of
- Africa. Portuguese is the official language; French is also
- widely spoken. Facilities for tourism are minimal,
- particularly outside the capital city of Bissau. A passport
- and a visa are required. Visas must be obtained in advance;
- recent visitors arriving without visas via land or air have
- been turned back. Visa applications must be accompanied by
- two photos and evidence of yellow fever immunization.
- Medical facilities in Guinea-Bissau are extremely limited.
- Medicines often are not available. Malaria is common, as
- are other tropical diseases. Petty thievery and
- pickpocketing are increasingly common, particularly at the
- airport, in markets and at public gatherings. Thieves have
- occasionally posed as officials and stolen bags and other
- personal items. Visitors should request permission from
- security personnel before photographing military or police
- installations. Small U.S. currency denominations are most
- useful for exchange into Guinea-Bissau pesos. Credit cards
- and travelers checks are rarely accepted in Guinea-Bissau.
- Inter-bank fund transfers are frequently difficult and time-
- consuming to accomplish. Taking pesos out of the country is
- prohibited. Travelers may have difficulty finding public
- phones and receiving international calls. Telephone
- services are expensive.
- Kenya
- Kenya is a developing East African country known for the
- wildlife in its national park system. Tourist facilities
- are widely available in Nairobi, on the coast, and in the
- game park and reserves. A passport and a visa are required.
- Visas may be obtained in advance at any Kenyan embassy or
- consulate, or upon arrival at a Kenyan port of entry.
- Evidence of yellow fever immunization may be requested.
- Adequate medical services are available in Nairobi. There
- is a high rate of street crime against tourists in downtown
- Nairobi, Mombasa and at the coastal beach resorts.
- Pickpockets and thieves are also involved in ''snatch and
- run'' crimes near crowds. Kenyan currency may not be taken
- out of the country and is sometimes difficult to exchange
- for dollars upon departure. Security in the Masai Mara game
- reserve has deteriorated, with attacks by armed bandits on
- several camp sites. Visitors should use only reputable
- travel firms and knowledgeable guides and avoid camping
- alone. Water in Nairobi is potable. In other parts of the
- country, water must be boiled or bottled. Travel by
- passenger train in Kenya may be unsafe, particularly during
- the rainy season, because of the lack of routine maintenance
- and safety checks.
- Lesotho
- Lesotho is a developing country in southern Africa.
- Facilities for tourists are limited. Visas are required and
- may be obtained at a Lesotho diplomatic mission prior to
- arrival in Lesotho. Americans arriving without visas have
- not been inconvenienced but must obtain a visa at the
- immigration and passport office in Maseru after entering the
- country. Medical facilities are minimal. Many medicines
- are unavailable. Deteriorating economic conditions in the
- country, aggravated by the return of large numbers of
- unemployed miners from South Africa, have caused an increase
- in armed robberies, break ins, and auto thefts. This occurs
- primarily in the capital city of Maseru but can occur
- elsewhere as well. Traveling alone or at night is
- particularly dangerous.
- Liberia
- Liberia is a developing West African country which has
- suffered internal strife for the past several years.
- Tourism facilities are poor, and in some cases, non-
- existent. At the time of publication, U.S. citizens were
- warned to avoid travel due to unsettled security conditions.
- Travelers are required to have a passport and a visa prior
- to arrival. Evidence of yellow fever vaccinations are
- required. An exit permit must be obtained from Liberian
- immigration authorities upon arrival. Medical facilities
- have been disrupted. Medicines are scarce. Monrovia's
- crime rate is high, Foreigners, including U.S. citizens,
- have been targets of street crime. Lodging, water,
- electricity, fuel, transportation, telephone and postal
- services continue to be uneven in Monrovia.
- Madagascar
- Madagascar is a developing island nation off the east coast
- of Africa. Facilities for tourism are available, but vary
- in quality. Passports and visas are required. Evidence of
- yellow fever immunizations must be submitted. Medical
- facilities are minimal. Many medicines are unavailable.
- Street crimes poses a risk for visitors, especially in the
- city of Antananarivo. Reported incidents include muggings
- and purse snatching. These crimes generally occur in or
- near public mass transit systems, and against individuals
- walking at night in the Antananarivo city center.
- Foreigners who remain near or photograph political
- gatherings or demonstrations, especially in towns outside
- Antananarivo, may be at risk.
- Malawi
- Malawi is a developing African nation. Facilities for
- tourists exist, but are limited. A passport is required.
- Visas are not required for a stay of up to one year. Strict
- dress codes apply to anyone visiting Malawi. Women must
- wear dresses that cover the shoulders, arms and knees and
- may not wear slacks except in specifically designated areas.
- Men with long hair cannot enter the country. Medical
- facilities are limited. Some medicines are in short supply.
- Petty crime, including purse snatching, occurs in urban
- areas.
- Mali
- Mali is a developing West African nation with a new
- democratically elected system of government. Facilities for
- tourism are limited. A passport and a visa are required.
- Medical facilities are limited. Many medicines are
- unavailable. Petty crime, including pickpocketing and purse
- snatching, is not uncommon. Incidents of banditry and
- vehicle theft have been reported along major travel routes,
- near the principal cities and in smaller towns. Victims
- have included foreigners. The roads from Bamako to Mopti,
- Douentza, Koutiala, Sikasso, and Bougouni, and a few other
- roads are paved. Road conditions on other routes are poor,
- particularly in the rainy season from mid-June to mid-
- September. Driving is hazardous after dark, and nighttime
- travel may be dangerous. Photography is no longer
- restricted, except for military subjects. However,
- interpretation of what may be considered off limits varies.
- Other subjects may be considered sensitive from a cultural
- or religious viewpoint, and it is helpful to obtain
- permission before taking pictures. The Malian currency is
- the CFA franc which is exchangeable for French francs at a
- fixed rate. Exchange of dollars in cash or travelers checks
- is slow and often involves out-of-date rates. Use of credit
- cards is limited to payments for services at only two hotels
- in Bamako. Cash advances on credit cards are performed by
- one bank in Mali, the BMCD Bank in Bamako, and only with a
- ''VISA'' credit card. International calls are expensive and
- difficult to make outside of Bamako. Collect calls cannot
- be made from Mali. Calls to the United States cost
- approximately ten dollars a minute.
- Mauritania
- Mauritania is a developing country in northwestern Africa.
- Evidence of yellow fever immunization and proof of
- sufficient funds are required. Medical facilities in
- Mauritania are limited. Medicines are difficult to obtain.
- Petty crime exists. Local currency may not be imported or
- exported. Credit cards, other than American Express, are
- not acceptable in Mauritania. American Express cards can
- only be used at a few hotels in Nouakchott and Nouadhibou.
- Mauritius
- The Republic of Mauritius is a developing nation with a
- stable government and growing economy. Facilities for
- tourism are largely available. Although the spoken
- languages are French and Creole, English is the official
- language. A passport, an onward/return ticket and evidence
- of sufficient funds are required for entrance to Mauritius.
- U.S. citizens do not need visas for a stay of three months
- or less for business or tourism. Petty crime is common in
- Mauritius.
- Mozambique
- Mozambique, a less developed country in southern Africa,
- ended a 17-year civil war in October 1992 with the signing
- of a peace agreement between the government and the rival
- rebel group. Facilities for tourism are severely limited
- outside of Maputo. Travel by road outside of the major
- urban areas is possible; however, road conditions vary
- greatly. A passport and a visa are required. Visas must be
- obtained in advance from a Mozambican embassy or consulate.
- Medical facilities are minimal. Many medicines are
- unavailable. Maputo's special clinic, which requires
- payment in hard currency, can provide general non-emergency
- services. Economic conditions in the country, spotty police
- protection, and years of war have caused an increase in
- violent and armed robberies, break-ins, and auto thefts.
- Victims, including members of the foreign community, have
- been killed. Traveling alone or at night is particularly
- risky. Currency can be converted at locations authorized by
- the Mozambican government. Currency conversions on the
- black market are illegal and very risky. Credit cards are
- not widely accepted in Mozambique. Some merchants prefer to
- be paid in U.S. dollars.
- Namibia
- Namibia is a southern African country with a moderately
- developed economy. Facilities for tourism are available. A
- passport, an onward/return ticket and proof of sufficient
- funds are required for entrance into Namibia. A visa is not
- required for tourist or business visits. Medical facilities
- are relatively modern, especially in the city of Windhoek.
- Some petty crime occurs.
- Niger
- Niger is a developing, inland African nation whose northern
- area includes a part of the Sahara Desert. Tourism
- facilities are minimal, particularly outside of Niamey. A
- passport and a visa are required to enter Niger. Visas are
- valid for a period of one week to three months from the date
- of issuance, depending on the type of visa and category of
- traveler. Although yellow fever and cholera vaccinations
- are not required for visa issuance, they are required for
- entry into Niger. Medical facilities are minimal in Niger,
- particularly outside the city of Niamey. Some medicines are
- in short supply. Armed bandits operate in northern Niger,
- and a number of people have been killed. Thieves and
- pickpockets are especially active in tourist areas. Care
- must be taken in walking city streets anywhere in the
- country at any time, but especially at night. There have
- been incidents of groups of men assaulting women who are, or
- appear to be, African, and who are wearing garments other
- than the traditional ankle-length wrap known as ''pagnes.''
- U.S. citizens are generally not specific targets of these
- assaults. Tourists are free to take pictures anywhere in
- Niger, except near military installations, radio and
- television stations, the Presidency Building, and the
- airport. There are no laws restricting currency
- transactions in Niger. Local currency (the CFA Franc) or
- foreign currency, up to the equivalent of four thousand U.S.
- dollars, can be taken into or out of Niger without violating
- the law. International telephones service to and from Niger
- is expensive and callers experience delays getting a line.
- Telefaxes are often garbled due to poor quality.
- Nigeria
- At the time of publication, Nigeria, with limited facilities
- for tourism, poses risks for travelers. A passport and a
- visa are required of U.S. citizens and all other foreigners.
- Evidence of yellow fever and cholera vaccinations are also
- required. Airport visas are not available. Violent crime
- affecting foreigners is an extremely serious problem,
- especially in Lagos and the southern half of the country.
- Visitors, as well as resident Americans, report widespread
- armed muggings, assault, burglary, carjackings and
- extortion, often involving violence. A variety of diseases
- poses a serious health threat. The public is not always
- informed in a timely manner about outbreaks of typhoid,
- cholera and yellow fever. Malaria, including potentially
- fatal cerebral malaria, and hepatitis are endemic. Medical
- facilities are limited; not all medicines are available.
- Permission is required to take photographs of government
- buildings, airports, bridges or official looking buildings.
- Permission may be obtained from Nigerian security personnel.
- Credit cards are rarely accepted and, because of the
- prevalence of credit card fraud in Nigeria and perpetrated
- by Nigerians in the United States, their use is generally
- ill advised. It is often necessary to bring travelers
- checks or currency in sufficient amounts to cover the trip.
- Interbank transfers are frequently difficult, if not
- impossible, to accomplish. The government of Nigeria has
- fixed an artificially high official rate for the local
- currency, the naira (in terms of its value in exchange for
- foreign currencies). Persons seeking to trade at lower
- rates on the ''black market'' could be arrested or shaken
- down. To avoid problems, exchange dollars for local
- currency only at the official rate and at approved exchange
- facilities, usually including major hotels. Visitors may
- also wish to obtain a copy of ''Tips for Business Travelers
- to Nigeria.'' This publication is available free of charge
- by sending a self addressed, stamped envelope to the Office
- of Overseas Citizens Services, Department of State,
- Washington, D.C. 20520-4818.
- Rwanda
- Rwanda is a central East African country torn by ethnic and
- political strife. A three month civil war ended in mid-
- July. Much of the country's basic infastructure┌telephones,
- water distribution, electricity, etc.┌was destroyed in the
- war. Medical facilities are severely limited and extremely
- overburdened. Almost all medical facilities in the capital,
- Kigali, were destroyed during the civil war. Looting and
- street crime are common. There are no civilian law
- enforcement authorities functioning in Rwanda at this time.
- Clean water and food are unavailable on a regular basis, and
- only rudimentary lodging can be found. At the time of
- publication, the Department of State warned U.S. citizens to
- avoid travel due to the unsettled conditions following the
- aftermath of the civil war.
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Sao Tome and Principe is a developing island nation off the
- west coast of Africa. Facilities for tourism are not widely
- available. A passport and a visa are required. There is no
- charge for tourist or business visas for visits of up to two
- weeks. Evidence of yellow fever immunization must be
- submitted. Medical facilities in Sao Tome and Principe are
- limited. Some crime occurs.
- Senegal
- Senegal is a developing West African country. Facilities
- for tourists are widely available although of varying
- quality. A passport is required. Visas are not required
- for stays of less than 90 days. However, a visa is required
- if traveling to Senegal from Mauritania, regardless of
- length of stay. U.S. citizens need onward/return tickets
- Medical facilities are limited, particularly in areas
- outside the capital, Dakar. Street crime in Senegal poses
- moderate risks for visitors. Most reported incidents
- involve pickpockets, purse snatchers and street scam
- artists.
- Seychelles
- Seychelles is an island nation in the Indian Ocean off the
- east coast of Africa. The principle island of Mahe has a
- population of about 50,000. The two other islands, with
- significant permanent populations, are Praslin and La Digue.
- Facilities for tourism are generally well developed. A visa
- is required and may be issued on arrival for a stay up to
- one month. There is no charge. The visa may be extended
- for a period of up to one year. Medical facilities in
- Seychelles are limited, especially in the isolated outer
- islands, where doctors are often unavailable. Petty crime
- occurs, although violent crime against tourists is
- considered to be rare. Keep valuables in hotel safes and
- close and lock hotel windows at night, even while the room
- is occupied to minimize the risk of crime.
- Sierra Leone
- Sierra Leone is a developing country which has few
- facilities for tourism and poses considerable risks for
- travelers. Military activity and banditry affect large
- parts of the country outside Freetown. Telephone service is
- unreliable. A passport and a visa are required. Airport
- visas are not available upon arrival in Sierra Leone for
- U.S. citizens; visas must, therefore, be obtained in advance
- from a Sierra Leonean embassy or consulate. Yellow fever
- immunizations are required. Malaria suppressants are
- recommended. Travelers must declare foreign currency being
- brought into Sierra Leone. Declaration is made on an
- exchange control form which must be certified and stamped at
- the port of entry. Medical facilities are limited and
- medicines are in short supply. Sterility of equipment is
- questionable, and treatment is often unreliable. Petty
- crime and theft of wallets and passports are common.
- Requests for payments at military roadblocks are common.
- Permission is required to photograph government buildings,
- airports, bridges or official-looking buildings. Areas
- forbidding photography are not marked or defined.
- Somalia
- At the time of publication, U.S. citizens were warned not to
- travel to Somalia. The Liaison office in Mogodishu ceased
- operations in September 1994. No visas are required for
- entry into Somalia. Anyone entering Somalia must receive
- immunization against cholera, typhoid, and yellow fever, and
- obtain a doctor's advice regarding any other immunizations
- that might be necessary. There are virtually no health
- facilities or medicines available in Somalia. Looting,
- banditry, and all forms of violent crime are common in
- Somalia, particularly in the capital city of Mogodishu.
- Electricity, water, food, and lodging are unobtainable on a
- regular basis.
- South Africa
- Although South Africa is in many respects a developed
- country, much of its population, particularly in rural
- areas, lives in poverty. There are adequate facilities in
- all urban centers, game parks and areas most commonly
- visited by tourists. Food and water are generally safe, and
- a wide variety of consumer goods and pharmaceuticals are
- readily available. Road conditions are generally good, but
- there is a very high incidence of highway casualties,
- especially over holiday weekends. A passport valid for at
- least six months is required, but a visa is not required for
- visits for holiday, business or transit purposes. Visas are
- required, however, for extended stays, employment, study and
- for diplomatic and official passport holders. Evidence of a
- yellow fever vaccination is necessary if arriving from an
- infected area. Medical facilities are good in urban areas
- and in the vicinity of game parks and beaches, but may be
- limited elsewhere. There is continuing and significant
- street crime such as muggings, pickpocketing, and random
- street violence, which affects foreigners as well as local
- residents, especially in the center of major cities such as
- Johannesburg.
- Sudan
- Sudan is a large under-developed country in northeastern
- Africa. Tourism facilities are minimal. A passport and a
- visa are required to enter Sudan. The Sudanese government
- recommends that malarial suppressants be taken, and that
- yellow fever, cholera and meningitis vaccinations be in
- order. Visas are not granted in passports showing Israeli
- visas. Travelers are required to register with police
- headquarters within three days of arrival. Travelers must
- obtain police permission before moving to another location
- in Sudan and must register with police within 24 hours of
- arrival at the new location. The exchange of money at other
- than an authorized banking institution may result in arrest
- and loss of funds though unscrupulous black marketeers. A
- permit must be obtained before taking photographs anywhere
- in Khartoum, as well as in the interior of the country.
- Photographing military areas, bridges, drainage stations,
- broadcast stations, public utilities, and slum areas or
- beggars is prohibited. Disruption of water and electricity
- are frequent. Telecommunications are slow and often not
- possible. Unforeseen circumstances such as sandstorms and
- electrical outages may cause flight delays.
- Swaziland
- Swaziland is a small developing nation in southern Africa.
- Facilities for tourism are available. A passport is
- required. Visas are not required of tourists planning to
- stay less than 60 days. Temporary residence permits are
- issued in Mbabane. For longer stays, visitors must report
- to immigration authorities or to a police station within 48
- hours of arrival, if they are not lodged in a hotel. Yellow
- fever and cholera immunizations are required for visitors
- arriving from an infected area. Anti-malarial treatment is
- recommended. Medical facilities are limited. Petty street
- crime, primarily theft of money and personal property occurs
- with some frequency.